Thursday, 29 March 2012

Creat a Proxy server for siri Mac Os X

Lately we have seen how Siri is used to control different electronci gadgets and of course Apple was not responsible with that method of control. In some videos we have seen how Siri is used with a system named Siri Proxy, which basically is a server Siri connects to and through which it can send commands for different gadgets. In this tutorial you can read how to create a Siri proxy server. This is a method that does not involve anything illegal because it does nothing but redirect the iPhone 4S internet traffic.
This tutorial is for those of you who own a Mac computer and if you know what you are doing. Follow the tutorial at your own risk. We don’t know if the proxy server information are being sent to third parties. Of course, you will only be able to use this proxy server with a iPhone 4S smartphone.
Step 1
Download Siri Proxy and Mac PortsInstall Mac Port after the download has been completed.
Step 2
Open the Terminal application and type: sudo port install dnsmasq. You have to also insert the password of your Mac.
Step 3
Type bash bash < <(curl -s and you will install the RVM plugin required for running the Siri Proxy.
Step 4
After RVM has been installed you need to also activate it so type: [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . “$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm” in the console.
Step 5
Now you have to add RVM to the bash profile you have will have to run the following command: echo ‘[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . “$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm” # Load RVM function’ >> ~/.bash_profile
Step 6
After RVM has been added to the bash profile you have to install Ruby so type rvm install 1.9.3.  If you have Mac OS X Lion you might get some errors during the Ruby install process and if this happens you have to type: rvm install 1.9.3 –with-gcc=clang.
Step 7
After Ruby has been installed you need to force Ruby to use the latest version so type rvm install1.9.3 –with-gcc=clang
Step 8
Now you have to go to the location where you downloaded and unzipped Siry Proxy.
Step 9
In the folder where you downloaded Siri Proxy you must also installed Rake and Bundler so type: rvmsudo gem install rake bundler and type the password of your Mac.
Step 10
Now you have to run the following commands to install Siry Proxy GEm and to install openssl:
rake install
mkdir ~/.siriproxy
sudo port install openssl
./siriproxy gencerts
Step 11
Now you have to install a profile on your iPhone, a profile that allows you to connect to the proxy. To do this you can use the Spotlight feature of your Mac to search the siriproxy folder from where you will email the ca.perm file on your iPhone. As soon as the file arrives on the iPhone you will open it andinstall the profile.
Step 12
Search your Mac for the dnsmasq.conf file which you will open with a text editor. You will search the line and under it you will add the next piece of text: address=/ After which you have to save it and in the terminal application type the following command to see if it works: sudo dnsmasq
Step 13
Open Settings, search for the Wi-Fi hotspot in your hose and edit the settings. Under DNS you will change the existent value with a value that has a different IP at the end than the IP of the server. If you have you will insert 3 or 4. instead of 1.
Step 14
Now ou have to go through the Terminal app to the plamoni-siriProxy-fe75db4. To do this type cd and drag&drop the respective folder in the Terminal app then hit return.
Step 15
After the loading of that file takes place, type ./siriproxy bundle and rvmsudo siriproxy server, insert the pasword and the server should be functional.
The process is very complicated however if you know what you are doing and you followed the tutorialyou now have a functional Siri proxy server which you must configure to reply to your commands.