Saturday, 22 October 2011

How to remove spam in Gmail ?

To remove spam from your inbox:
  1. Select the unwanted messages.
  2. Click Report Spam.
To remove spam forever:
  1. Click Spam along the left side of any Gmail page. (If you don't see Spam along the left side of your Gmail page, go to the Labels tab in Settings, then click theshow link next to the Spam label.)
  2. Select the messages you'd like to delete and click Delete forever.
  3. Or delete everything by clicking Delete all spam messages now.
The more spam you mark, the better our system will get at weeding out those annoying messages. If you or we should happen to goof and mark a good message as spam, click Not Spam at the top of the message. If you marked it as spam, you can also clickUndo immediately after to recover the message.