Monday, 24 October 2011

How to tell who has been logging into your yahoo Account ??

We know there is much concern now as to how accounts, such as your Yahoo! account can be accessed by people not authorized to do so. Yahoo! is also concerned about this and has a new feature now that can give your key information about each login your Yahoo! account has had over the last several days. The feature is called "Login Activity" and here is how it works:
  1. Please go to the Yahoo! Account Info website. ( ) Note: You may be asked to log in to your Yahoo! account.
  2. Towards the middle of the page under "Sign-in and Security" select View your recent login activity.
  3. You should now be able to see all the login activity for your account for the past few days. If you feel you need to go back further, then click View More towards the bottom of the page.
Once you get there, you'll see four columns:
  • Date/Time: This indicates the date and time the account was accessed.
  • Access Type: This is the method of access such as a browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome etc..), a mobile device, or a Yahoo! product like Yahoo! Messenger
  • Event type – This shows exactly how the login took place
  • Location/ IP Address - This is actually a drop-down menu that allows you to select how you wish the physical location to be displayed. (Location is selected as the default.)
    • Location - Indicated the Country and State (if in the US) of the computer you logged in from
    • IP Address - Indicates the Internet Protocol Address of the computer you logged in from.
These may be signs that your account has been compromised:
  • You normally access from just one or two computers but you see multiple geographic locations.
  • The Access Type column shows your account was accessed from a mobile device but you never use mobile to access your account.
If you see anything here that looks suspicious to you, we recommend that you change your account password. It is the easiest way to prevent suspicious activity.
You can also create a Yahoo! sign-in seal, to prevent such illegal activity such as Spam and Phishing.